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$Luck is an in-app gaming token (off-chain)
You can earn $LUCK when you deposit $SOL, which will be locked until the end of the season (14 days).
How much can be earned per 1 SOL deposit?
The amount you can earn varies depending on the timing of your deposit
If you deposit on the first day of the season, you can earn 200 $LUCK per 1 SOL. After the first day, the amount of $LUCK earned per 1 SOL decreases daily, calculated as (remaining days in the season) / 14 (total season days)
Additionally, from the 8th day onward, deposits will no longer earn $LUCK. Any $SOL deposited after this point will be considered a deposit for the next season, and $LUCK will be distributed at a rate of 200 $LUCK per 1 SOL at the start of the next season.
At the end of a season, all $LUCK earned from the previous season will be reset
You can increase your $LUCK by betting it during gameplay (of course, there is also a risk of losing it)
At the end of the season, you will receive raffles according to your ranking in $LUCK amount. For more details, please check Season Raffle