🧩How to Play?
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Last updated
Deposit $SOL, and in return, you can get points ($LUCK) to play games
Bet your $Luck on games and play to win more $LUCK
As you win, you climb the leaderboard based on the amount of $Luck
At the end of each two-week season, you can get a lottery where you can win prizes from the staked and restaked yield.
You can withdraw your principal at the end of the season, ensuring its safety. Alternatively, you may continue making deposits and enjoy the next season as well.
The Deposited SOLs are automatically converted to $windSOL (our LST) and invested in Staking and Re-Staking, with the investment profits going into the Prize pool.
Windfall is designed to ensure that users do not lose their principal deposits. After a season ends, users can withdraw the same amount of SOL they initially deposited. Even if a player loses all their Luck points during gameplay, they can still withdraw their full deposit.